Blundeston Preschool is managed by a voluntary management committee and is a registered charity. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage, which is centered on four themes - A Unique child, Positive Relationships, Enabling Environments, Learning and Development. These are each supported by four commitments and a description of these is provided for parents on a poster available to view in the waiting area of the Preschool.

Blundeston Preschool has existed for over 40 years. Over time it has developed and changed in line with national changes to early year's childcare provision. We have a dedicated staff team who work hard to enable alichildren to reach their full potential. The committee work alongside the staff team in ensuring that all children are given the best possible start and that the aims of the charities constitution are adhered to; The primary aims of the Pre-school are to enhance the development and education of children between the ages of two to five years.