Equality Policy
Statement of Intent
We will ensure that our service is fully inclusive in meeting the needs of all children, particularly those that arise from their ethnic heritage, social and economic background, gender, ability, or disability. Our setting is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all individuals (children and families). Our Equal Opportunities coordinator is – Charlotte Clark
To provide a secure and accessible environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued.
To include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity.
To provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups, and disabled people.
Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity.
Make inclusion a thread that runs through all the activities of the setting.
We advertise our service widely.
We reflect the diversity of our society in our publicity and promotional materials.
We provide information in clear, concise language, whether in spoken or written form.
We provide information in as many languages as possible; whilst our standard forms are in English, we ask within our waiting list form and new child information form for families preferred language and then liaise with families’ information’s service, to enable translation of our literature.
We base our admissions policy on a fair system.
NB: see admission and settling in policy.
We ensure that all parents are made aware of our equality and diversity policy; we provide access to all our policies within the Operational Plan, which is placed daily within our main entrance for families to view.
We do not discriminate against a child or their family, or prevent entry to our setting, based on color, ethnicity, religion, or social background, such as being a member of a travelling community or asylum seeker.
We do not discriminate against any child or refuse entry to our setting.
We develop an action plan, in liaison with the Suffolk County Council SCC Consultant, to ensure that all children and their families can participate successfully in the services offered by the setting and in the curriculum offered.
We act against any discriminatory behavior by staff or parents. The display of openly discriminatory and possibly offensive materials, name calling, or threatening behavior are unacceptable on or around the premises and will be dealt with in the strongest manner.
We have a designated member of staff who takes responsibility for the role of Equal Opportunities coordinator. They liaise with outside agencies and parents to ensure that staff are aware of Equal Opportunity issues and can implement the Preschool’s policies and procedures.
NB: See Equal Opportunities coordinator role description.
Posts are advertised and all applicants are judged against fair criteria.
Applicants are welcome from all backgrounds and posts are open to all.
We may use the exemption clauses in relevant legislation to enable the service to best meet the needs of the community.
The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to 2 references and checks by the Disclosure & Barring service (DBS). This ensures fairness in the selection process.
All job descriptions include a commitment to promoting equality and recognizing and respecting diversity as part of their specifications.
We monitor our application process to ensure that it is fair and accessible.
New employees, volunteers and students are issued with an equality and diversity statement which reflects the ethos of the setting.
We seek out training opportunities for staff and volunteers to enable them to develop anti-discriminatory and inclusive practices, which enable all children to flourish. Staff cascade information from training courses to enable learning to be shared within the whole staff team.
We ensure that staff are confident and fully trained in administering relevant medicines and performing invasive care procedures when these are required.
We are training opportunities for staff and volunteers to enable them to develop anti-discriminatory and inclusive practices, which enable all children to flourish.
The curriculum offered in the setting encourages children to develop positive attitudes about themselves, as well as to people who are different from themselves. It encourages children to empathize with others and to begin to develop the skills of critical thinking.
Our environment is as accessible as possible for all visitors and service users. If access to the setting is found to treat any child or adult less favorably, then we make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs. We do this by:
making children feel valued and good about themselves.
ensuring that children have equality of access to learning.
undertaking an access audit to establish if the setting is accessible to all children.
adjusting the environment and resources to accommodate a wide range of learning, physical and sensory impairments.
making appropriate provision within the curriculum, to ensure each child receives the widest possible opportunity to develop their skills and abilities, e.g., Recognizing the different learning styles of boys and girls.
positively reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources; the setting’s resource wish list includes additional resources which represent a variety of ethnicities and abilities.
avoiding stereotypes or derogatory images in the selection of books or other visual materials.
celebrating a wide range of festivals; The setting’s operational Plan includes a list of festivals, dates, and a description of their focus.
creating an environment of mutual respect and tolerance.
differentiating the curriculum to meet all children's needs.
helping children to understand that discriminatory behavior and remarks are hurtful and unacceptable; we support children in developing positive relationships by challenging negative or detrimental comments and actions towards peers or adults.
ensuring that the curriculum offered is inclusive of children with special educational needs and children with disabilities.
NB: see SEN policy.
ensuring that children learning English as an additional language have full access to the curriculum and are supported in their learning.
ensuring that children speaking languages other than English, are supported in the maintenance and development of their home languages.
We help children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources and activities.
We encourage and support staff to act as positive role models to children by displaying and promoting tolerant and respectful behavior, language, and attitudes and challenging any discriminatory incident.
Valuing Diversity in Families:
We welcome the diversity of family lifestyles and work with all families.
We encourage children to contribute stories of their everyday life to the setting.
We encourage all parents/careers to take part in the life of the setting and to contribute fully.
NB: see Parent partnership policy.
For families who speak languages in addition to English, we will develop means to ensure their full inclusion.
We offer a flexible payment system for families of differing means and offer information regarding sources of financial support.
We treat all children and their parents/careers with equal concern.
We work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural, and dietary needs of children are met.
New families are asked for information regarding their dietary requirements/preferences within the New Child Information Record and this information is shared within the full staff team to ensure consistency in care.
We help children to learn about a range of food, and cultural approaches to mealtimes and eating, and respect the differences among them.
The AGM is arranged to ensure that all families who wish to, may be involved in the running of the setting.
Non-confidential information about meetings is communicated in a variety of ways – including written and verbal - to ensure that all parents have information about and access to the meetings.
Monitoring and Reviewing:
To ensure our policies and procedures remain effective we will monitor and review them annually to ensure our strategies meet the overall aims to promote equality, inclusion, and valuing diversity.
· We display a complaints procedure for parents to see. A copy is available upon request. NB: see Complaint’s policy.
· The Preschool manager and the Chairperson are responsible for ensuring that everyone involved in the setting complies with the equality and diversity policy.
· We will challenge any offensive behavior, language, or attitudes with regards to race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion, culture, language, age, sexual orientation, and disability.
Equal Opportunities coordinator is – Charlotte Clark
Read and agree with this policy.
This policy was reviewed in January 2023.
Signed on behalf of the Pre-school: Jennifer Clark Chairperson of the Management Committee
This policy will be reviewed annually unless legislation or guidance requires it to be reviewed before