Blundeston Preschool is managed by a voluntary management committee and is a registered charity. Ofsted Rated: GOOD
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), this sets out the standards for early years providers to meet ensuing that children learn and develop and are kept healthy and safe.
The EYFS seeks to provide the following:
Quality and Consistency - making sure every child makes good progress and no child is left behind.
A secure foundation - planning for the learning and development of each individual child, assessing and reviewing what they have learned regularly.
Partnership working - between practitioners and with parents and/or carers.
Equality of opportunity - anti-discriminatory practice, ensuring every child is included and supported.
There are four guiding principles that shape practice in early years settings and these are:
A Unique child - constantly leaning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Positive Relationships - children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Enabling Environments - children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults.
Learning and Development - children develop and learn at different rates, the framework covers the education and care of all children in early years including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
There are seven areas of learning and development that shape the educational programme in early years. All areas of leaning and development are important and inter-connected.
These areas are:
Communication & Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Understanding the World
Expressive arts & design.
Blundeston Pre-School staff plan activities to ensure that each child's learning and development needs are met, whilst encouraging individual interests.
Our activities are changed weekly, through careful planning which takes into account the children's individual interests. In this way all of the areas are covered and the children receive a stimulating variety of activities to play with.
September 2019 the Pre-School purchased a brand new cabin, it’s a wonderful space away from the main room where our Early Years Practitioner’s can focus on things like social interaction groups. The cabin also enabled us to extend the whole outside area, we have added a sensory garden, greenhouse area and climbing wall. Its a fantastic space that the children love.
The Structure of the Charity
Management Committee
Setting Management & Staff
Parent Members
“We strive to maintain the highest standards in our preschool and ensure your child’s time with us is fun, enjoyable and rewarding.”